Tanya’s 2¢ (aka Blog)
Brains to Burn – Is what you are telling yourself true?
You’ve got brains to burn — that’s what my ninth grade teacher said to me. According to the Brandon School Division, her name was Mrs MyFanway Keogh but I believe most knew her as Van Keogh. She likely had no idea how profound that one statement came to be for me, and...

What do Marriage and Leadership Have in Common?
Sometimes I look for things that correlate to leadership, and sometimes they just smack me upside the head. I think a lot of how life experiences correlate to how the world works and how we work within the world. Previously I pondered what does marriage have to do...

How can your network be part of your business development strategy?
Your network is only as good as your efforts to activate it. My company offers a strategic planning service, where we work directly with your management team to develop a vision of your company’s future with aligned goals and objectives. In almost every instance of...

Angela’s Hypothesis
Your experience affects other people’s experience. In my late twenties I worked on a set of Pan American Games. I worked with a collection of people, all different skill levels, experiences and worldviews. During my time at the Games I met and made friends with a...
What makes Tom Brady a champion in more domains than football?
Let’s talk about the Super Bowl. The 2017 Super Bowl featured the New England Patriots versus the Atlanta Falcons. The Patriots were victorious after coming back from a 28-3 deficit in the third quarter. I was cheering for the Falcons, but I have had the opportunity...

Running, Risk, and Relentlessness
I live in a province with extreme weather. Our summers can heat up to 36℃ and our winters can be -36℃. About 15 years ago I started running to keep my fitness level up while I was travelling. I took a Couch to 5km running clinic in the fall and it set me up for...

How to kick 2016 to the curb and embrace 2017 with hope.
Goodbye, 2016. Twenty-sixteen has a bad reputation. For a lot of reasons, for a lot of people, 2016 has been personally and professionally difficult. I’ve been watching various videos on Facebook attempting to redeem the year with a reminder of the good things that...

Are you unknowingly reckless on social media?
You have no idea who you are impacting. I had a conversation with a teenager the other day. She was fairly certain the information she read online about the birth control pill was incorrect. I assured her it was. She had read, along with her friends, that the birth...

Sportsmanship: What the Cubbies Can Teach Us About Business
I just hope we are good winners. – Bill Murray I like baseball. I like softball. I like most sports. I like the playoffs and I really like the World Series. I like the Blue Jays. I like an underdog. I like a good story. I like the Chicago Cubs. I was able to watch...

Drowning in Sexual Innuendo – I Am Every Woman.
In light of the chatter that has been created by Donald Trump and his devaluation of women and how many other people are displaying bravery, I thought I would craft this blog to address sexual harassment in the workplace, and as a leader. In a week or so I turn 46...