Be An Olympian

I love the Olympics.  I love what they stand for, what they promote, what they create and what they produce.  I believe in Olympism as a “philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport...

Tanya Not Tanya

A name is very important.  Your own name, what you name your child, your pet, your business, your group, your projects…it’s all very important.  Think about it, your name is all you own as a child.  So when people get it wrong or even better, when...


We’ve already covered that I believe in God.  And this is certainly a time of year where there is more of an acceptance to have God and Jesus in your language and your life.  More people attend church and more people admit their belief in God and his son...

The Kind of Gifts that Aren’t from a Mall

So I’ve been at this blog since July of this year, almost 6 months of writing under my belt.  This blog has proven to be one of my favourite things.  I have always enjoyed writing but this has been a surprizing gift.  I have some regular readers, some...

Nelson Mandela & Psychological Capital

Psychological Capital is an individuals positive psychological state of development.  And that state can be broken down into four buckets; Hope. A belief in the ability to persevere toward goals and find paths to reach them.Efficacy. The confidence that...