by Tanya LaBuick | Feb 24, 2014 | Uncategorized
She’s a big girl, that’s what they used to say to me and about me. I think it was their way of not saying I was chubby or rather ‘not small’. In any case it sucked and it aided and abetted my own insecurities about my size and my...
by Tanya LaBuick | Feb 17, 2014 | Uncategorized
I have been watching the Sochi 2014 Olympics quite a bit, no shocker I imagine. I noticed how eager myself, my Facebook circle and the world really, are to share the ‘good stuff’. The stories of the Canadian Coach that helped a Russian skier who broke a...
by Tanya LaBuick | Feb 10, 2014 | Uncategorized
I’ve been taking in as much of the Sochi Olympics as my schedule will allow, it’s a labour of love to watch the Athletes and Russia host the World. Admittedly I watch it with a critical eye, seeing what they have done to raise the bar or be creative, or...
by Tanya LaBuick | Feb 3, 2014 | Uncategorized
I heard this today ‘Dream as Big as Your God.’ And I thought, whoa, that’s big. What a great statement. Because in general people think of God as well, pretty big. So I made that mean that dreams should be big, really big, maybe even bigger...
by Tanya LaBuick | Jan 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
Y’know those moments when you can feel your mood change, like the changing of the tide? I’ve not been sad, but I’m not overly happy either, not as fire filled as I normally am. I’m feeling my tide change and its...
by Tanya LaBuick | Jan 20, 2014 | Uncategorized
In my early 20’s a colleague coerced me into taking a Conflict Resolution course. He negotiated with me, saying you can take it for free, if you agree it’s worthwhile then we’ll talk about next steps. We called him ‘Right On Russell’. At the end of...