Tanya’s 2¢ (aka Blog)
High Performance Teams Don’t Quit – They Adjust.
There is a bunch of stuff that happens to get results, stuff we don't necessarily see and in our narcissistic outlook we don't even consider. Take our recent flood situation here in my home town of Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. Our...
Somewhere in the Middle – Mediation Steps for Leaders
Somewhere in the MiddleThe truth, it’s always somewhere in the middle of the mess we find. It’s like the saying, ‘two sides to every story’, except the truth is usually somewhere in the middle of those two sides because our interpretation is always based on our...
How Do You Make a Decision? 6 Steps to Help You Find Your Way.
Indecision is frustrating. Throughout my career I have worked with people in power positions afraid to make a decision. They literally become paralyzed with an inability to determine the right course of action. If you are in a position that has any kind of...
Rule Breakers – Whose Fault Is It?
I was thinking about rearing children the other day and today Canada AM had a Parent Panel discussing underage drinking in terms of what is permissible. I agreed with the police officer on the panel who said that how will kids know which laws they can break and...
10 Traits of a Humble Person – A Leaders Guide
I was listening to a podcast this week, a podcast by Joyce Meyer and she was talking about humility. I’ve had a sticky note on my desk for months now that reads ‘humility before honour’ and I’ve been trying to frame it properly so that I can write about...
Consequences – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
Do you remember when you started to figure out consequences? You know, like when you started to figure out it will hurt if I do that, or I will fall if I do that or she will yell if I do that? Everything has a consequence, not all are bad, and not all are...
Surrounding Ourselves with the “Right” People – Why it Matters
There is something to be said for perseverance. For the ‘stick to it ness’, not giving up or in. No matter how hard it is or how long it’s hard, you just don’t give up. I have many examples of this in my life. I can only attribute the ‘knowing’...
The Golden Rule
The ethic of reciprocity or the Golden Rule which in essence states that we should treat others as we would like to be treated, or to not treat others in ways that we would not like to be treated sometimes known as the Silver Rule.It seems pretty simple, treat others...
Rewards & Recognition Are Not Dirty Words
About a year and a half ago I boarded a plane to have dinner with a guy who I was introduced to for potential work with a large event. I made that leap to spend that money and have that dinner because I believed that it was worth it for me and for my next career...
The Phenomenon of Running – What Does it Have to Do with Leadership?
Yesterday my husband and I kick started our running season with a half marathon relay race. That means we each ran about 10.5kms. Before we left for the race we were watching the World Marathon, which neither of us had heard of or really knew what it...