Tanya’s 2¢ (aka Blog)

New Kid at the Office – What does familiarity have to do with team building and retention?
I have had a lot of new job experiences because I have done a lot of contract work. So I am familiar with starting new things in new places with new people. A few months ago my husband treated me to the Luke Bryan concert, the biggest ‘treat’ part was watching...
Are you a THINKing expert?
A few weeks ago I was at a conference and I ran into a colleague from many years past. He was part of a panel discussion in one of the sessions, so I said "I'm going to try and make it to your session later." He immediately caught the word 'try' and called me out,...
What is your leadership impact?
Okay, so today…Monday.Most weekdays, my alarm sounds at 5:10 AM and then, most times I hit snooze to give me 10 minutes to wake up because I don’t like to just get out of bed as soon as I awake. I have been doing the ‘ease me into the morning’ kind of snooze control...
Timelines and process are interconnected. What can a leader do to help?
I’m stumped. I can't say it's writer's block, maybe blog block?When I started this blog, I wrote weekly. Then I had a big project so I took a hiatus, and when I returned to blogging, I decided to write bi-weekly. Mainly because I write for the local paper...
Voting and Leadership; what do they have in common?
Today is our Federal Election. I wrote on my Facebook timeline "Voted. And wore pants. Two things neither of my grandmothers had a right to do for a period of their lives."Actually, I think about that fact quite regularly, that my grandmothers didn’t have the right to...

My Life Lessons from a Nine Pound Cat
It might be nine years to the day, but I can’t be sure, that this little cat arrived at my apartment door early early one morning. I could hear a cat in the hallway of the apartment building where I lived, which was odd since it was 5 AM. And as I came closer to my...
What are your rules for loyalty as a leader?
Loyalty has been a recurrent theme for me this past week. For whatever reason it has surfaced more than a few times in conversation and situation. My husband even said 'I know how important that is for you, how much loyalty means.' He is right, very right. I...
Why not pointing out a mistake can be a sign of a good leader…
I don't really like to make mistakes, well, not big ones. I also don't like to waste money or time. I'll assume I'm not alone on that.This past weekend I made a pretty big mistake, nothing catastrophic, only aesthetic. I believe I made this mistake because...
How free should editorial freedom be and what does it have to do with leadership?
I write a bi-weekly article for our local newspaper. I am a volunteer. I write from my own personal experiences and attempt to tie those back to leadership and the human spirit, in hopes of ultimately sharing my own lessons. I understand they have editorial freedom;...
From Hiatus to Happiness – Managing Yourself in a Busy Time
It feels like a long time since I wrote a blog. I last wrote 13 April, 17 weeks ago today. I parked my writing to make mental room for the large project I was knee deep in.It was a very good decision to allow myself that break for two reasons. One - I needed to...