by Tanya LaBuick | Nov 2, 2015 | Uncategorized
I’m stumped. I can’t say it’s writer’s block, maybe blog block?When I started this blog, I wrote weekly. Then I had a big project so I took a hiatus, and when I returned to blogging, I decided to write bi-weekly. Mainly because I write for...
by Tanya LaBuick | Oct 19, 2015 | Uncategorized
Today is our Federal Election. I wrote on my Facebook timeline “Voted. And wore pants. Two things neither of my grandmothers had a right to do for a period of their lives.”Actually, I think about that fact quite regularly, that my grandmothers didn’t have...
by Tanya LaBuick | Oct 5, 2015 | Uncategorized
It might be nine years to the day, but I can’t be sure, that this little cat arrived at my apartment door early early one morning. I could hear a cat in the hallway of the apartment building where I lived, which was odd since it was 5 AM. And as I came closer to my...
by Tanya LaBuick | Sep 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
Loyalty has been a recurrent theme for me this past week. For whatever reason it has surfaced more than a few times in conversation and situation. My husband even said ‘I know how important that is for you, how much loyalty means.’ He is right, very right....
by Tanya LaBuick | Sep 8, 2015 | Uncategorized
I don’t really like to make mistakes, well, not big ones. I also don’t like to waste money or time. I’ll assume I’m not alone on that.This past weekend I made a pretty big mistake, nothing catastrophic, only aesthetic. I believe I made...
by Tanya LaBuick | Aug 24, 2015 | Uncategorized
I write a bi-weekly article for our local newspaper. I am a volunteer. I write from my own personal experiences and attempt to tie those back to leadership and the human spirit, in hopes of ultimately sharing my own lessons. I understand they have editorial freedom;...