13%; that was my mark on my first and last computer science test in University.
Yep, 13%. A course counsellor had directed me to it after requesting a ‘beginner computer course’; admittedly it was a new language and I felt way out of my realm. I attended every class and took notes that I couldn’t understand. And then I got 13%, which sent me immediately back to the counsellors door where she apologized profusely for misdirecting me. The introduction to code course was a very different introduction to computers. That ended my computer career in University.
Even then I could laugh about it because that 13% told me for absolute sure that I was in the wrong place. And that is not a bad thing. In fact it was the best thing, because my next choice ended up being a medical ethics debate course which I loved and flourished in, so it’s not always about losing, maybe it’s about the opposite. When you get your 13%, take a look at where you went wrong and seek out the place where your other 87% lies. We are not meant to be good at everything; life’s 13%’s show us that in very clear language, no translation required.