Tanya’s 2¢ (aka Blog)

How to develop character in an image driven world
I often listen to podcasts when I run, and some of those podcasts are by Joyce Meyer who is one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times bestselling author. I like to listen to Joyce because she provides tactile encouragement that I can make...

How a trusting smile exemplified our high performing team
During my haircut this past weekend I had a good conversation about high performance teams. I am very interested in high performance teams and have studied them, and even developed training to help people and companies build them. I not only think they are possible, I...

What’s my currency?
I try to write my blog every two weeks, when I started it I wrote every week for about two years. For the most part I keep that commitment, which is basically to myself. Sometimes I could write for hours, other times I am stumped for content, and motivation. Today,...

Olympics. Canada. Kindness. The Hip.
The Olympics are over and The Tragically Hip has played (what could be) their last concert, ever. What a weekend. I always feel a bit sad when the Olympics end because I really enjoy watching my country compete, and also love watching humans do super human things and...

What can grief teach you about leadership?
“It just makes it that much harder to grieve when people are trying to direct your emotional path.” That’s what my friend said when I caught up with her the other morning, and it struck me. Her mother has recently, and suddenly, passed away. I think it is a very...

Why would an Olympian compete in poopy water?
Why would an Olympian compete in poopy water? I don’t know, but I have a theory. I’m not an Olympic calibre athlete. I’m sure that is not shocking to anyone. I am however, an Olympic enthusiast and have had the pleasure, and the challenge, of working on five different...

June Milestones – When did we stop celebrating, looking forward, and being optimistic?
June seems to be littered with milestones, or certainly my June 2016. This month, my oldest stepdaughter got married, my youngest stepdaughter moved onto high school, and my second niece graduated high school. Just like that, they are all in new chapters of their...

The Gift of Good People
I spent the weekend in Utah; most of my time was in Park City, but some in Salt Lake City. It has been 13 years since I was last there and it, like me, has changed. There are however, some thing’s that are the same. I lived in Salt Lake City to work for the 2002...
Only as much as you can handle.
My mother worked as the Assistant Director at a Daycare for about 25 years. It became clear to me that she has a gift with children, and also a passion for them. My family believes that kids are treasured resources, and of course, with my mother’s career I was exposed...
The Mental Game
My youngest stepdaughter plays volleyball. Her team was recently in a tournament and although their level of skill was at par or in some cases, above the competitions, they struggled on the court. As a spectator it appeared as though they just couldn’t get their...